Channel Islands - Jersey Georgetown
Greve d'Azette : JE2 6QN
Jersey CC took out a lease in April 1887, from Mr Ph Baudains, the ex-President and Patron of the club, for six acres of land for the purpose of building a new track. The club hoped that the track, near the Grand Charriere, St Clement's Road would eventually be used for several other sports. The new ground had a railway platform by arrangement with the Eastern Railway Company to make it easier for people to get to the sports meetings.

On August 1st 1887 the Jersey CC held their first event at the new track, which included the 10 miles Championship race. Jack Le Tocq and seventy supporters took the steamer over from Guernsey for the event, in which F Syvret beat Le Tocq by 140 yards.

At the 22nd May 1888 meeting there were 3,000 spectators, half of whom arrived by train, to watch three bicycle races and a tricycle race. A 10 miles cyclists vs horse race was run, the cyclist relaying every two laps and the horse rider changing horses every three laps. 1889 4,000 Channel Islands Bicycle Championship was won convincingly by Jack Le Tocq in 35m 45s. The two other events were a one mile scratch race and a half mile egg and spoon race on bicycles, Le Tocq won both of these events as well.

Through the 1890's, the late May, August and September open race meeting were firmly established and drew crowds of around 3,000 spectators. The open meetings attracted mainly local riders, but HH Griffin, the famous English handicapper, became a great friend of the Jersey and Guernsey clubs and usually brought over a good contingent of English riders. The summer evening club handicap series were a regular feature

The club was in a good financial situation in 1897, the sports in June, August and September had made a total profit of £110, rent payments of £90 had been made and £20 was spent on turnstiles. The three big race meetings and a series of evening handicap races continued to be held.

At a special meeting of the club on December 10th 1900, it was revealed that there was a difficulty with the landlord of the track, Mr Ph Baudains. The landlord wished to increase the rent and a new lease could not be agreed upon. The landlord issued an eviction notice for December 1901 and offered to sell the land containing the track to the club for £2,000. The track had been re-constructed in 1899 at a cost of £150, which was raised from club members, so the club officials started to argue amongst themselves, claiming gross mis-management of the handling of the lease.

The autumn race meeting was held on September 17th 1901, which again attracted a large contingent of English riders, including double Olympic gold medal winner CB Kingsbury. There was a problem concerning the Jersey Cup, Moore had to win the cup once more to make the cup his own property. Moore came fourth in his heat, three only to qualify, but one of the competitors hurt himself and offered to let Moore ride in his place in the final. The judge gave his permission, but Jersey CC objected and the judge left the ground. The NCU Southampton Centre declared the result void and ordered a re-run, Jersey CC paying riders expenses. The club appealed, but lost it's appeal.

On December 28th 1901, the Jersey Weekly Press reported that the club had relinquished their ground at Greve d'Azette, handing the keys back to the landlord, Mr Ph. Baudains. The lease had expired, but it was made clear that there was no dispute, rather that members of the Jersey CC "have given no instructions as to any other course to be adopted and this remained the only course in view of the expiration of the lease."

There was no further bicycle racing at the Georgetown track after 1901. The location of cycle track is uncertain, it was probably near the FB Fields sports area.

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